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Hey Peeps I'm finally employed at Innovative Mailing and Shipping, in Hauppauge, NY. Say word! Now It's time to get my life started! meaning trying to get this entertainment thang going! But you'll hear from me soon on that level my songs are cummin together and in April i'm auditioning for the H.D.C.NY! So keep a look out, you hear!  


all right it has been a loooonnnngggg time since I have updated my web page, but for the ones that actually check me out! I finally finished computer repair and am ready to start working at I.M.S.(4ims.com) March 15 2005. wish me luck!


Alright if you haven't been, I would go! Pack your bags and take a trip to MARS 2112 off Broadway, under COSI; in the city! Inside it's like a crater and when you look up, you see the constallations. Dance floors are little small for the size of the place. But besides that you'll have fun with the layout and choices of rooms! Check it out!        11/29/04

As ya'll know I'm with City Model And Talent and I'm finally getting calls for appearances. So last Monday I went to an audition at the Marriott, For debut competition (DebutEvents.com). I got envited to the event, which is in L.A. in March, they give you training in your talents for 6 mon.s and then you have a show case for the agents, producers ,VIPs, etc., you also are competeting to represent the USA in the World Stars olympics. Now here's the catch I have to have down payment, and the full payment of payed by march! Can you figure out what I'm not doing! keep you eyes open though. 9/20/04

Well Ladies and Gentlemen I'm finally 21 years old and loving it so much! I went to some clubs and here is the info!

Karizma: had the black and white theme this weekend; I liked. This club is 23A/F and 25 A/M, mostly a darker uppity crowd ( nice people though ), played old/new school  and reggie music; nice!( Motor pkwy, and Adam's Ave. )

Flanagans: is gay! it's like 18A/F/no drinking-21A/F&M, they played old school and new school pop and commercial rap. A bounch of young  light heads, sorry not really my scene.( Deerpark Ave. next 2 Babylon trian station )
